Friday, November 21, 2008



Assumptions say that the progress of modern society today can not be Achieved without the presence of the school as an organization of providers of formal education process .. And when explored in depth the school is not the only providers of education. Because there are still a family institution, and special education schools. That all educational institutions are required to collaborate in optimizing the development of next generation. Even if it is entrusted entirely to the schools is a mistake. Educational activities that take place in schools to place the school as one of the social institutions still survived until now Its activities serve the child's potential development and cultural transformation to the younger generation. It is intended to be a vibrant nation still in progress to meet global demands. Therefore the dynamics of acceleration of education a leading role in meeting the demands of globalization of the world in various aspects, especially the demands of economic globalization. In these activities, leading teachers as executor, but that does not mean that the teacher as the main responsible for the development of an individual's ability, moral and social behavior of children. Hence it is said the teacher is an educator, mentor, coach, and leader who can create a learning climate attractive, safe, comfortable, and conducive to class. Thus its presence in the midst of students can break the ice, and student learning saturation. Then turned into a fun learning atmosphere, and can give birth spirit of Optimism. Thus superficial formal education (schools) can meet the demands of education that can Compete with economic development, and not the economic Burden would be both present and future. Though in reality, the professionalism of teachers is only a mere slogan without the Accompaniment of a variety of teacher professional development, facilities, and even the freedom to develop the system is limited by the potential elimination of Authoritarian towards creativity to the perpetual dependence in accordance with the will of superiors, and not the will of the dynamics of education and accelerated economic development. Consequently the professionalism of teachers, educational acceleration dynamics, and economic development is an ongoing antagonism.
An exciting things with a professional allowance for teachers - teachers who have passed professional certification as a teacher with a professional allowance of basic salary which was in force. Even with the demands of responsibility as a global professional teachers about the dynamics of acceleration of economic development, and technology is increasingly tense. Also demands patience on the benefits of the teaching profession is a job that was quite tiring for every teacher because the process of acceptance has not permanem, thus resulting in the birth decision for certain circles Depression. Especially for teachers - teachers who are only relying on the income of teachers. Nearly a century Indonesia questioned about the quality of human resources. But only until the conversation about the state of education - developed countries and other developing countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Korea, as well as on education funding while the tug. Whereas the aforementioned countries when declaring the quality of human resources throughout the spontaneous potential focus for the State. Whether consciously or not that no one on earth can run in line with expectations without science. While science is not possible without education. Indonesian State ever Assume the Asian tigers, and in 1992 a new economic power in the region .. Even before Malaysia to import teachers from Indonesia. Education level curriculum units (KTSP), school-based management (SBM), competency-based curriculum (KBK) as the basis for the motion to develop creativity and innovation potential of each school so that school learning can go hand in hand with the accelerating dynamics of economic development and technology is only used as a symbol Democratization of education. Whereas the acceleration of economic development and technology require innovative creativity, and constructive for the leading management education officers. Without Realizing that such behavior will give birth to a prolonged dependence of resistivity and resulting in accelerated development of quality human resources as a whole. The quality of human resources said to be tested when the knowledge, skills, independence, and ability to Cooperate with other parties have become milk for each output of education at every level of education, and development of psychology. The question is how the birth of the output in line with expectations - while the officers did not have the independence leaders to develop these claims. Therefore PGRI as one - the only professional organization of teachers are required to perform reconciliation in various related parties in order to reform without underlying dependence by a system is not prolonged.

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