Thursday, December 4, 2008


In the frame of reference of national development in general and in particular Kab.Bantaeng, empower communities in various aspects of it should be the center of attention and shared responsibility. Building a rural economy is also built most of the Indonesian population. Besides having the potential of human resources, rural areas also have the potential of natural resources. Thus the development of rural communities of Indonesia should be more serious attention, planned, integrated, and sustainable, and the process accelerated. If we are all committed to No.IV TAP MPR / MPR / 1999 (letters G figure 1.d), about the need for accelerated rural development in the context of the economic empowerment of the people, especially farmers and Fishermen through the provision of infrastructure programs, institutional development, technology acquisition and utilization natural resources. Although previous analysis must begin with the potential, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in order to pro-development approach to public interest, and based on the situation of internal and external conditions. Neither the implementation of regional autonomy (Law No. 22 of 1999) requires an adaptation strategy of Modernization with tradition. Thus rural development is expected to create compatibility between development plan created by the existing potential, needs and desires of rural communities with rural economic expectations can be raised or could reduce the number of poor people. Despite the fact a few years ago, rural communities, specially farmers and Fishermen can not escape from poverty. They are more Oppressed and must be victims of top government economic policies. Look at the price of agricultural production increasingly uncertain. On the other side of national development is also creating a gap between rural and urban. Center focus government attention on the sector, capital-intensive industries to pursue growth. As a result Sacrificed the agricultural sector. Plus more concentrated development in the city - the city. that resulted in educational disparities, lack of employment, infrastructure investment, and policies (Mubyarto, 1984). Furthermore farmers remain poor because associated with such production capacity of human resources, capital and government policy The problem for this is to plan and implement agricultural development programs in rural or less based on the potential of local natural and social, and not linked to local market opportunities, regional, national, and international. HR development What more farmers have not performed optimally. Opportunities and Challenges Discussion of the opportunities and challenges of economic Empowerment of rural communities in the District of Bantaeng in stimulating the economy while the national economy, eventually expanding the internal and external conditions of how the economic empowerment of communities along with the development of national economy , and if necessary international developments. Each period of national economic development in accordance with the changing dynamics within and outside the country. The understanding is also directly related to the village economy. Current conditions, the economic crisis the United States. With the globalization of world economy will certainly impact on national economic conditions. If this is not seriously Examined it can be ascertained rural economy will take more slumped more than the previous conditions. Greater opportunities for rural communities with programs making it independent of Bantaeng District villagers with working capital injection of 1 (one) billion dollars for rural enterprise development to enable them to rise toward independence, so in turn no longer rural communities too have difficulty in processing resources in the village. And yet the villagers were allegedly confronted by the human resource capacity, networks and government policy postscript to give local government work units (SKPD) with reasons in accordance with the law - laws. And if it's right in Realizing the importance of empowerment of rural communities is now time for legislation, government regulations should only be used as general guidelines and specific instructions given by the autonomy of rural communities. Is not the cause of failure and suspected due to the involvement of too heavy dependence resulting in a prolonged, and the creativity of innovative rural communities become lost. In the case according to Sajogyo (2000) Argued that explicitly planning is centered on the community in planning the program, putting people as subjects to identify problems, potential and self-reliance is Achieved independence in Overcoming their problems.
Village Independent Implementation Strategy The core of rural development strategies that the most important is the participation of all public life in all forms of social communication, including social creativity and imagination together. That means people plan, implement, control, and monitor resources and production goals are based on the needs and desires together. When did the opposite it can be ascertained that the term will make it independent return to the old pattern is only a symbol of their political rhetoric. So to develop business in the village in terms of alleviating poverty and ignorance, perhaps not an exaggeration when the author says that before planning and implementing a program begins with: (1) what the natural and social potential in the village, (2) what types of businesses that need developed associated with natural and social potential in a local community or in a village, and do not forget its market opportunities, (3) how the guidance should be made to farmers or the poor in the business, (4) how to Optimize the financial support from the government so that the use of funds not consumptive, but has a double value in providing working capital, human resource development and application of farmers' agricultural technology, (5) how the building manager to have three healthy namely; mind and body health, health administration, and health organizations. Rural development policy that independent, Korten cited by zainal (2006) declared independent rural development should be stressed to: (1) initiative and decision-making process utuk meet the needs of the community, step by step should be placed on the community itself. (2) The main focus is enhance society's ability to manage and mobilize resources available in these villages to meet their needs. (3) This approach to tolerate local variations, and therefore has very flexible characteristics adjust to local conditions. (4) in carrying out development, this approach emphasizes the process of social learning, which to him is a collaborative interaction between the bureaucracy and the community, starting from the planning process to Evaluate the project, "Reflecting the attitudes based on mutual learning. (5) the establishment of a network (networking) between the bureaucracy and NGOs official and tested credibility, and the unit - a unit independent of traditional organizations is an integral part of this approach. One strategy that must be implemented is through the establishment of village-owned enterprises (enterprises) to overcome the possibility of failure. Through these institutions Zainal (2006), said the villagers as the manager will receive intensive coaching until they are able to: (1) to itself, (2) at an early stage capital and assistance given, (3) government, higher education institutions, employers (investors) and NGOs, acting as an agent of change (development) by providing the business needs of the community; (a). investments, loans without interest, (b). assistance and provision of agricultural mechanization, technological (seeds, fertilizers, pest and disease and poison), (c) the independent experts as a coach / companion in return for services outside the group fee is worth the responsibility of local governments , so as not to disturb more working capital from local enterprises, (d) assist in the establishment of management institutions / enterprises, (e) provide training and skills on a voluntary basis, (f) provide the motivation and work ethic, (g ) assists in marketing their products, (h) governments, universities and NGOs, are obliged to bridge partnerships (mutual) between peasant and entrepreneurs. Farmer as the executor of procurement of raw materials and processing factory employers provide.
From some descriptions of implementation strategies of independent village the authors offer the following draft strategic planning independent operations sbuah villages namely: (1) Activities of strategic planning pre-conditions, consisting of; analysis of natural potential of the village, the potential for rural communities , The state of the village government, sources of income village, rural community needs, policy and local government, the market needs of rural production, the government and private investment both national and local levels, (2) the formulation of a strategic plan consists of: organizational planning, formulating objectives to formulate goals, formulate programs and activities, organization's programs and activities, the source - the necessary resources, strategic decision making, (3) implementation of programs and activities of rural community empowerment namely: (a) organization of resources - natural resources development, comprising; operational work programs, the formation / appointment of implementing organizations (work units) / teams, the division of labor, delivery / devolution of authority, accountability, coordination, (b) Mobilization / control resources -- - - - - the resources of rural development; leadership, the mental attitude of the authorities, discipline, motivation, communication, and rapport (human relations), (c) evaluation and monitoring of programs and projects Independently, which consists of; set of standards, Evaluate and assess, reflect and follow-up through continuous improvement, (d) Independently make achieving success village level; the quality of human resources increasingly visible increase in school dropout rate decreased from year to year, the economy began to improve rural communities , public facilities showed an increase, the state of the environment already conducive, social justice started Encouraging community Gradually, increased community participation, financial income shows an increase each year. So that the villagers are able to manage their own potential they have.

Factors - factors that cause and Addressing the failure of efforts of government projects Every action must have the possibility of failure, though none of the perpetrators are willing to accept failure. Therefore factors - factors that cause the failure of government projects is a must to know to anticipate before it happens that; (1) is not exactly between the needs of the community with assistance, (2) the project package is not equipped with the skills that support, (3) there are no activities planned menitoring an objective and independent, (4) there is no community-level institutions that continue the project. So it makes an independent village in County Bantaeng before not to be carried out must be equipped with: training for skills, the formation of village-level institutions, the existence of a field officer, honest Involving NGOs (idealistic) or several projects managed by The community empowerment approach. Opportunity to develop the economic potential of rural communities is still huge, but big challenges, too. Challenges related to human resource capacity, capital, networks, and government policies that support. The most fundamental issue is how to educate or empower the rural communities of rural communities to recognize the potential and the potential to change into output. No one who denies that when planning the program, putting people as subjects to recognize problems, potential and self-reliance is Achieved independence in Overcoming their problems. It's just an effort is necessary to: (1) improve human resource capabilities, the villagers and not scary - frightening in a variety of threats, or by providing opportunities for burning use of funds provided, (2) build a village community institutions as a vessel development toward independence, It also functions to maintain, continue, and the responsibility of all problems business activities, (3) production facility (technology and venture capital). The impact of rural community empowerment is a community self-reliance in Overcoming their problems through the initiative and creativity to improve the quality of life. Surely the public needs to have the knowledge, skills, attitude of independence, and ability to work together to get out of their problems. Because the main target is to increase village self-sufficiency increased productivity of the rural poor to increase opportunities and the chance they get decent jobs and better incomes. Empowerment is a process not because of the success of schools of the knowledge and skills related to empowerment and development, but all stakeholders (all the elements involved in the program) must be committed to: (1) professionalism, (2) Openness, ( 3) honesty, (4) togetherness, and cooperation, (5) partnerships, and (6) learning interests and seek mutual benefits in the form of a horizontal pattern. Siagian SP (1989) says there are three rural development strategy, namely; strategy technocratic, reformist strategies, and radical strategies. The difference lies in the consistency, continuity, and the pressure is between policies, objectives, approach in the implementation of rural development. Most Important government must Realize that rural areas have the potential to be processed into outputs, and believe in the ability of the village itself. It's just the beginning stage does require government support. The most important strategy of rural development is expected to scale priorities, or strategies focusing on basic human needs. With contextual approach based on village characteristics, and not uniformity. also necessary aspects of togetherness, mutual learning and provide information between the government and society. . This measure is important for the effectiveness of implemented within the framework of rural development and sustainable self-Reliant. Another factor that into force on aspects of physical development is investment in values and norms of development. Even so required an effort to convince the public that the value was built for the practical meaning of life, and not just a joke and symbols - symbol of celebration as a hoax.
Poverty alleviation in rural areas according to Zainal (1996) can be viewed in three dimensions namely: (1) increasing economic growth through increased utilization sumbe rdaya, especially those controlled by the poor, (2) aksepbilitas development of the poor to land, capital , infrastructure, and input - the other productive inputs, (3) development of institutional social structure in the community improve, especially the poor, to tackle the problem Independently. These three dimensions should be addressed to increase employment opportunities and increased incomes through productive activities. Rahayu (2006) emphasized the importance of increasing the income distribution is addressed primarily to the poor. Real effort is focused on local resource extraction, improving human resources, capital support, input technology and integrated information prior to each - each business group. Also needed cooperation and support of all parties in the framework of direction and support resources development facilities. Closing In order to include the village making it an independent effort - great effort from each other are connected. All these efforts made inputs in the process of rural development. Then, the process of rural development continue to carry out the construction management of the planning, implementation, control and supervision of development projects, and reflection on the behavior of public enterprises regularly. from all this is a process of the management function is the sole local community participation without excessive interference from the top. Also in line with community economic empowerment efforts, the implementation of the development of rural areas is also adjusted to the village historical factors, human resources, natural resources, socio-cultural values and religious beliefs are factors - influential environmental factors involved.Source Reading:Mubyarto, (1984). Rural Development Strategy, Yogyakarta: UGM P3PKBudi Rahayu, (2006) .. national economic development through empowerment of rural. South Jakarta: Institute Sultan Iskandar Muda.Sajogyo, (2000). Flowers Rampai Village Economy, Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.Siagian SP, (1989). Principal - principal rural development. Yogyakarta: Aditiya Bakti Citra Media.Rusli Zainal HS, (2006), rural economic development, South Jakarta: Institute Sultan Iskandar Muda.

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