Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Zaenuddin Kabai

Improving the quality of education is still a conversation, a sign that education is a most basic needs. How difficult a nation to thrive and flourish when they are not able to set the direction of improving the quality of education. Because only by this way so that countries can Compete dimanca countries. Through Law - Education Law No.20 of 2003. about government efforts to improve the quality of education through manuasia Indonesia. In addition various efforts were made either through teacher training, educational equalization of non-S1 to S1, as well as improving the welfare of teachers.
Despite the fact the quality of education we are still far from expectations. This invites a question mark for the education observer. Pointed out that the ice teachers creativity is one of the low quality of education in Indonesia .. While the low creativity of teachers in general caused by motivational factors (internal), and environmental factors / climate (eksteren). And teachers are leading officers to the intellectual life of the nation. For the main base of the formal school education. So of course, not independent Principals in project. Because Headmaster in charge, the improvement of teachers' creativity is one jawabnya.Especially, responsibility in Overcoming the limitations of education funding, teacher creativity is desirable.
In addition to the principal's responsibility, and also held accountable. Especially in creating a climate that can generate creativity in the everyday tasks that execute without guru.Cause it will not be able to freeze tercairkan teacher creativity. Therefore Democratization in the management of schools and madrassas is a must be made the subject of pembicaraan.if not for creativity and innovation so difficult improved teacher. Which in turn improve the quality of education go inhibited. Fundamental question is: Why demokratisasisi needed in school management school management / madrasah.Answer short order; good Principals, and teachers can understand the importance of creating a democratic school climate. In addition to the teachers know the importance of creativity in order to improve the quality of education. As one attempt to clarify the cause of the rigidity of creativity to improve the quality of teacher education. More importantly can be used as inputs both to prospective managers and as managers of schools and madrassas.
Democracy is essentially a dialogue forum for anyone who thinks rationally, and not solely from rakayat and by the people and for citizen.Ataukah instead of just people but lots of people who think rationally so that an agreement born of dialogue forums, and not born out of power while mengatas call from the people by the people and for rakayat. When the deal was born of power in education, it will inevitably bear continuously dependence and creativity of teachers must have been so that will Hinder improvement of education quality in Indonesia, particularly in District Bantaeng. Because the hallmark of constitutional democracy by Budiardjo (1982) is the government's limited authority and not justified act arbitrarily tehadap citizens. This is limited by the need for restrictions konstitusi.Why necessary because the square has become a full human being with limitations, mistakes dalm Decided that something needed a forum for dialogue in order to minimize human error.Selain it, that have power tend to use the lights again if not kekuasaannya.Apa longer have the power burning must be limited use.
In order to minimize errors that may occur in the management of the school or to further enhance the creativity of all school personnel, especially teachers then the decision should be Decided through dialogue forum for anyone who thinks rationally, and not merely a majority vote but a Lot of people think again if rasionil.Apa again said winning losing. Because in education should not be justified in the win but lost to the rational truth becomes a virtue.
Democratization of the management will invite the Participation of all circles, so that both the school committee, administration, alumni, and from among the teachers and administrators themselves osis. Thus the decision is not solely the decision of the above but the decision of all school personnel and for the sake of their own schools. If so then surely will increase the creativity of all circles, especially teachers, since they are implementing to Realize the Forefront of national education quality.
Participation from all circles in school management is the real form of participation of all the different - different interests in providing ideas, constructive criticism, support of the implementation of education policy in a rational and voluntarily accept all the decisions that have been set together. All this will happen when school administrators to create a democratic climate. For imron (2002) said that participation in a broad sense can not be separated from Democratization demokratisasi.Because of that needed to generate metivasi all parties to participate, especially teachers, will definitely increase creativity climate would increase teachers create and Innovate more wide open. What again if there is a real effort made to increase participation through persuasip, offers a realistic program, or use the key store.
It is recognized among WordPress sometimes Reluctant to participate in the desired policy, because: (1) lack of legality as a participant so hard to separate where the participants and where non-participants. (2) is too ambitious and the ideal that emerged the notion that wisdom is not realistic, the result would some doubt that their participation will be in vain. (3) participants felt no personal gain quickly. (4) formulation of policies is not clear that negative perceptions tend to give birth, (5) transvarancy, and accountability for managers to invite suspicions of all parties.
Management School / Madrasah
Mulyasa (2003). Penelolaan suggests four policy issues that need national education recommended in the framework of regional autonomy; improving quality, improving efficiency of education management, increased relevance of education, equal educational services. This is when associated with efforts to improve the quality of education, it is not separated the quality of school management is disekolah.Karena main base for formal education, while the head of the school with the teachers, the school committee is responsible for leading the national education quality, education quality Bantaeng khsusnya district. So that in a democratic school management was a teacher's creativity development keharusan.Agar not stagnated. For management according Sardiman (2003) is a process which essentially include: procurement, utilization, and development of staff, land, and building and ownership. That's why the principal-in-charge said wahjosumidjo (2003) always made a continuous development of teaching programs, human resources, physical resources, and collaborative relationships between schools and communities. Improving the quality of education is inseparable from the improvement of school management, and the main focus is to improve the quality of study.Apa again in the face of competition was so tight that the school is required to overcome the competition so we are always the quality of education has increased faster than the changing times. So the school graduates do not feel alienated by the time of moving forward by him is expected by the school management Syafaruddin (2005) apply two utama.first strategies, systems more quickly re evaluation of processes directly related to student.secound, teachers are actively involved in the making decisions and participatory school management. Thus, for certain teachers' creativity and innovation must have increased because of all their decisions significantly involved with such a teacher must take responsibility. . Indicated the school is the main basis of formal education, while the teacher is leading that task is the fairness when a failure of education, which became the main spotlight is on the other hand when teacher.will forgotten the teachers who remembered only the heroes of Without kehormatan.Karena sign it, to dismiss that all the efforts to develop the creativity of teachers is needed. The principal is the teacher who was given additional duties as the responsible, the development of teacher creativity is one of a responsibility, by not Forgetting other responsibilities. Because creativity when viewed from the home he is creative, who have creativity, have the ability to create, is the power that teachers reserved. protagonist is intelligent teachers and high capacity imanjinasi (Rivai 2003).
Although it is recognized that creativity can not be separated from environmental influences and motivasi.Tapi when they resolved then surely the teacher would think of creative, well thought imanjinatif ie: ways of thinking that generates new ideas, new ways of seeing things that were not related. Conversely, if teachers do not think Creatively it can be ascertained that the increase in educational quality is difficult diwujudkan.caused only capable of creative thinking to overcome the danger is governed by the weakness (Armstrong 2003). With the weakness that is owned by a teacher it is certainly less able to interact with their environment. Because creativity word Munandar (1999) is the result of interaction between the individual and his environment.
Upgrade to Creative Thinking. Arthur Koestler (in Armstrong 2003) to creative thinking there are three things to be done; (1) understand the barriers to creative thinking, (2) develop the ability to think Creatively indifidual, (3) develop a collective group of people the ability to develop new ideas with braistorming or through brainwriting (J.Salusu.2003)
Local governments in charge of all aspects, it's time to Realize the importance of creativity to explore and enhance the principal guru.Selain it as an arm of government is expected always constantly trying to motivate school personnel to be creative and online potential to apply ice could melt the creativity of teachers.
The principal as the manager of the school principal, then surely the responsibility of the education quality is inevitable, therefore, according Rivai (2003) required; (1) creating a school climate that stimulates creativity teacher, and not create a climate of creativity deadly with various threats of discipline (2) foster a sense of shared responsibility with management based on partipatif, (3) formulate goals with the interests not forget the importance of education quality.
As for some of the things that often Hinder the creativity of each individual; (1) lost in thoughts that tend to predominate the bandwagon, (2) limited the growth of free ideas with a variety of reasons that are not rational, (3) The assumptions made do not lead to new ideas but according to past experiences where time nasa, Situations, and the orientation process was much different, (4) reduce any decision when there may be new ways so that the resulting output from the process left behind by the times, (5) is conditioned by the search for the best ideas and not a different idea that preserving dependency, and turn off the maturity of thinking, (6) lack of trying to resist the obvious things wrong because they were anesthetized by various kinds of rhetoric that deliberations to produce a deal just to cover the mistakes mistakes born in Congregation, (7) a Tendency to adjust themselves even if they do not agree with terms up to the father because they feared responded Unfaithful, disloyal to the boss , (8) fear is pressed so that tends to accept what is, Consequently there was arbitrariness, could eventually Facilitate the birth of abuses of authority.
It is based on several factors such obstacles, the principal in charge of school is always seeking the best solutions through consultation to delivery agreement in order static creativity does not happen. So, in turn leading teachers as workers do not feel worried for: (1). Get away from each restriction (2). opens the mind to generate new ideas. (3). get used to explore alternative ideas.
Teacher efforts to escape the restrictions that had been imprison the initiative, and to develop self-imagination the teachers are expected to: (1). Identify the dominant ideas that influence to not creative. (2). Defines the boundaries; past experience, policies, procedures, and regulations. (3). strived in working to get out of these boundaries.
Next open the mind to generate new ideas with perinsif success today with the best way not work the next day using the best way today. So ingrained in the mind there is no day without creativity. If it is owned by each teacher will Ensure that the quality of school learning can be realized in accordance with the demands of education quality. However, when the opposite is the quality of education is just a mere slogan.
Then teachers are expected to always get used to explore the idea - the idea that alternative thinking is required at the time was not a surprise. But the task is a call that leads to career development. If it is used it is a case for certain teachers' creativity and innovation can be realized into a reality. Thus the quality of education must have increased in accordance with the demands kompotitif. Although success is largely determined by factors: (1). Human Resources (2). Facilities and infrastructure (3). Vision and Mission School / Madrasah (4). Analysis of internal and external environment (5). A realistic work program (6). Support community (7). The quality of the performance of heads of schools and madrasah (8). Measurement of performance (9). Satisfaction employment of teachers, and staff administration.
Picture of the ideal school
Be an optimization process of the main requirements of output quality, while the process is determined by: (1) Location of school size are expected to land at least 10.000 square meters, the position of the cliff does not land, not near the big river gar is not a problem during floods. Because if not then Chances are the quality of the process must be managed by professionals hampered though. (2) the school environment is expected far from the noise even though easily accessible by students and staff were at pengajar.Selain it, free position floods, and not berdebuh dry season. (3) Home schools are available as is one determinant of the quality of the process. However, towards the realization of the arrangement is needed to improve the quality of life for students of intelligence, by not Ignoring the beauty of factors such as Bua live plants - fruits, coolness, and for schools, parks flowers for beauty, besides fish ponds utuk beauty also serve as water absorbent rainy season, roads - connecting road between the park and the main road towards the main building, sports fields. (4) Building in accordance with the requirements and soil conditions. In addition to the activities room for both the administration and for learning keperluam osis and extra activities are expected to consist of: Office, space management, BP room, staff room, laboratory space, library space, computer room, ruangibadah, meeting rooms, auditoriums , classrooms, health units of the school, room osis, room PMR, scout hall, the most important number of latrines in a rational comparisons customized. (5) human resources. Although the facilities and infrastructure available but as a human resources manager is not qualified, it can be ascertained that the process will not be run in accordance with the demands of quality. Despite the success of the process to achieve maximum output is determined by, first, imput (new students). The quality of third-management processes, management fourth adequate facilities, quality fifth adequate human resources, quality managerial skills of school heads
Ideal for Democratization Policy
Along with concern about the Emergence of a New Tyranny, the Democratization in determining school policy is an ideal toward increased creativity of teachers, and community participation. Coercion with various excuses no longer have a place in the world of education. It is clear that forcing schools will only grow frustrated that independence will bear decline, despair. Therefore, in determining school policy is expected to: (1) planning is no longer the only source from above but according to the needs of the education unit, (2) implementation of the work program based tdak more instructions or directions from above, but based on professionalism, (3) in terms of standard setting is no longer only a national process output and macro, but macros national output and the local process, (4) rather than the national target of macro-level schools but limited areas, ( 5) understanding the target goals are not always guided by the center, but based on school conditions, (6) the incentive distribution system should not be uniform but the achievement system in order to achieve increases creativity, (7) feedback though parents are not troubled students always needed on a regular basis (8) orientation is not only the intellectual development value of the national exam, but the development aspects of intellectual, personal, and social order students not only learn to pass but for the sake of the future, (9) Perceptions of the input not only as an input for Learners as raw inputs that determine the final outcome but as a school clients who need services, (10) evaluation was not carried out only at points of time and are uniform, but carried out over time by emphasizing school kebuhan, (11) Control of the school rather than solely from the boss, but students and parents from surrounding communities, (12) decision making in the hands not only with the approval of school head boss, but based on the results of a meeting of teachers, students parents, and school Principals. (13) the role of parents and communities are not limited the provision of funds, but is expected to be involved in the whole process of education, except for determining the value and graduation.
Based on the description on the previous page it can be concluded WordPress demokratiasi in school management / Madrasa still is a necessity, in order to overcome the rigidity creativity of teachers and other personnel workers, tampa that quality education is difficult then translated into a reality.
(1). The school principal should not feel satisfied with the results because sometimes mamatikan Achieved creativity. (2). In the case of school decision-making involvement of all parties is desirable, so that success is Achieved with success. (3). As a school manager expected to have a minimum of three skills; conceptual skills, humanistic skills, technical skills.


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