Thursday, July 24, 2008


Zaenuddin Kabai

Abstract: This study aims to enhance motivation and learning of accounting, the performance of teachers in learning accounting. In learning accounting with an emphasis on media use OHP transparencies. Although not ruled Teachers to use multi-media and multi-method in each learning accounting. This time the subject of research grade XI IPS I. Senior High School second semester Bantaeng 02 school year 2006 / 2007.

OHP transparency with the media students become more active and creative and focus on learning activities, with memamfaatkan discussions with teachers or between students with students in the group or outside group. Through the activities in solving problems of accounting, making a summary sheet of the material in the form of transparency. Media OHP transparencies used students in their group work report, and used as class discussion material. Test results proved the end of each cycle showed an increase in the average value - average grade for accounting subjects.

Finally it can be concluded that learning with media overhead projector transparency (OHP) can increase the motivation and learning results of students accounting class XI IPS I. SMA Negeri 02 Bantaeng school year 2006 / 2007.

Keywords: media OHP, learning motivation, learning outcome, recording the transaction.

Zaenuddin Kabai. 2 high school teacher neg Bantaeng Kab. Bantaeng.Telp.081342537529.

Improving learning outcomes in particular accounting records on the subject of the transaction into the journal and the rest of the company's balance of trade, there is need for improvement of teaching and learning process in order to achieve a predetermined exhaustiveness.

SMAN 02 ROBLEM Bantaeng as a formal educational institution has a vision as candradimuka younger generation to realize civil intelligent beings, makarya and pious. One indicator is the increase in value candradimuka national exam (UN). The school's mission is to optimize the potential of students in learning, either individually or through self-learning through tutoring.

Accounting lesson, one part of a major economic lesson IPS. SMA, whose position is very influential on the national test scores, even in the national exams (UN) study of accounting with economic subjects. When the economy is number 40 accounting courses and 19 number of economic subjects number 21. Therefore, the author considered that the accounting lesson is one determinant of the national test scores of bindang economic studies at the high school social science majors neg. Bantaeng 2. Despite the fact shows that the motivation and accounting students' learning outcome is still far from expectations. Thus, whenever a writer questioned the fairness: Is the use of OHP transparencies media on the subject of the record company's financial tansaksi trade journals into motivation and can improve student learning outcomes. To: (1) Optimizing the use of media in learning OHP transparency of accounting to improve students 'learning motivation, (2) Determine the influence of media use OHP transparencies on the subject of the characteristics of trading companies and trading companies recording transactions into the journal as an effort to improve accounting students' learning outcomes Senior High School Bantaeng 2.

Expected results of this study can be useful: (1) for students can provide motivation and changing attitudes for the better students in accounting learning process approach. In addition students may be more critical and creative thinking through visualization OHP transparency, (2) for teachers; can facilitate the implementation of learning, and very important is to increase the knowledge of teachers in planning learning accounting, (3) for schools; The results of this research as a feedback to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning., and can improve the quality or the quality of schools by improving students' and the performance of teachers

Increased Motivation Learning Melalaui Media Transparency OHP. Sardiman (2003) states that motivation will lead to a change in the existing energy in human beings, so it will hang with psychiatric symptoms, feelings and emotions, to then perform learning activities. Hence it OHP transparency media is one of the media, capable of spontaneously from what has been described by the teacher or the results of group discussions.

Therefore, in the accounting education process requires some effort to provide certain conditions in order to encourage and stimulate interest perhatiaannya students to focus on accounting lessons can be maximum. For hard to deny that the motivation to learn without learning the most difficult to be realized.

Arsyad (2002) in terms of overhead functions as an effective introduction to the relationship the two main parties in the process of student learning and learning content. Thus the motivation to learn by using the media OHP transparencies, means moving the students to further enhance learning activities. In order to later be more skilful in recording transactions into the journal trading companies. Whether it's cash receipts journal, disbursements journal, sales journal, purchases journal, or journal or general ledger memorial.

Iskandar and Mustaji (in Agib 2006) asserted that the primacy of the media as a source of learning to interact with pebelajar many learning resources. Without that, the optimization of learning difficult to achieve. Apatahlagi studied by Agib (2006) is the process of interpretation of new information. It was so that new information may mean the most of the pebelajar interaction with learning resources to the maximum as well.

Improving Results Through Learning Media Transparency OHP, according Suryabrata (2002) brought a change (in the sense of behavioral Changers, actual and potential) sendangkan change is essentially the acquisition of new skills through deliberate effort.

Learning as a process or activity. So of course not independent of the various factors that influence it, sala one of them is outside the self-factor of the students. Word Suryabrata (2002) factors outside the student that is; the tools used in the study or OHP transparency media. For learning to take place optimally. Thus, in turn, an accounting student learning outcomes can be achieved optimally. Without that, the difficult learning achievement translate into a reality.

Similarly Sardiman (2003) looked at learning is changing. This means that efforts to change behavior, so that the learning associated with the addition of knowledge, skills, kerampilan, attitudes, understanding, self-esteem, interests, character, adjustment yourself. So that learning can give birth to human knowledgeable, skilled and self-reliant and able to adjust to where it is ..

The results are the acquisition value. Therefore, learning is the acquisition of the value of teaching and learning processes that form numbers or letters on each assessment or evaluation activities. This will illustrate what students learn Traffic achieving competency standards or not. Siagian (1995) says that learning is an attempt to know new things, new techniques, new methods, new ways of thinking, even the use of behavior baru.Untuk subject OHP in accounting phase of trading companies is an effort to improve teacher Traffic learning students to increase student achievement during the evaluation.

Phase trading company accounting. Activities of trading companies on the one hand, the recording process in accounting is no different from service companies. On the other side is different from the term used by the device. If an unknown service companies of the journal, but trading companies khsus general journal, special is a necessity in the ease of recording. It was recognized at the time of trading companies that have not developed the recording was similar to the service company. But after developing towards increasing the special journal is an absolute.

The subject of the recording phase consists of five (5) indicators of achievement of learning outcomes: (1) classify specific estimates only found in commercial companies, (2) records of financial transactions in a trading company general journal, (3) records of financial transactions into a special journal , (4) move data from specific rows, columns from the miscellaneous special journals and general ledger to ledger estimates, (5) move the data to the subsidiary ledger.

Trading companies, according Soemarso (1993) is a company whose activities make the purchase and sale of goods with the aim of earning profit. The question is whether other companies are not going there sales? The answer is no, because if a company other than commercial companies, the sale of goods rather than the profit motive but probably only for the change, or increase resulting from technological and industrial development, so that obsolete items have sold. Therefore, in general trading company activity cycle. (1) Purchase, (2) Expenditures of money, (3) Sales, (4) Acceptance of money.

Basically the general ledger for the company's trading when the transaction has not so many are still considered effective. However, when transactions are large and heterogeneous amount of the special journal is an alternative. Soemarso (1993) says that a special journal designed for transactions of this kind, will save a lot of wktu, energy and cost. As for how much, the form of special journals depends on the needs of the company. It's just a special journals generally include: (1) Journal sale (Seles journal) to record credit sales. (2) Journal Reception (cash recieps journal) to record cash transactions of all revenue sources. (3) Journal of purchases (purchases journal) to purchase records and other merchandise on credit. (4) Journal of disbursements (cash payments journal) to record cash money all purposes.

The advantage of a special journal are: (1) saving time and labor costs, (2) in the special journal can provide special columns for several types of specific transactions. and transfer transactions from the journal to the ledger during the period, (3) any particular journal can be used to record only one type of transaction, allowing the division of duties among several individuals pwncatatan.

In addition to these four special journal on trading companies still have a general journal to record transactions that can not be accommodated in a special journal. Neither the subsidiary ledger (ledger subsidary) is often called a special general ledger (special ledger). Sometimes also called the book extra large. Purpose is to record the transaction details contained in the ledger. Thus said the subsidiary ledger as part of a big book. Consists of receivables book, a book to record details of debt and debt receivable contained in the main ledger.

The main difference ledger and subsidiary ledger records embodied in the process. Records in the business of debt estimates done periodically, eg every week, or every month based on the record in the special journals and general journal or other journals. While recording the helper bukubesar done every time.

The virtue of the media in learning accounting transparency, Nasution (2003) states that, learning occurs when no results are shown. One result that can be shown in PBM was the work of a group of students poured into a transparency and projected onto a screen or wall through a projector. Transparency that is projected is a good visual form letters, symbols, images, graphics, tables and estimates or journal bukubesar with plastic menggunaka transparency. Enlarge image projector capabilities make it useful medium to present information to large groups and all levels and all learning activities, especially jernis subjects using the table as many special journals and ledgers in the accounting firm trade (Arsyad 1997). In addition OHP is designed to be used in front of the classroom so that teachers can always face or at the students. Structuring the location and projection screens often cause the screen image of the shape of trapezoidal. Students often use the view. However, it can be overcome with the tilt screen.

The excess overhead by Arsyad (1997) swallow accounting lessons are: (1) the reflection of the projected image can be seen clearly in a bright room (no need to have a dark room) so that teachers and students can still view each other, (2) can mengjankau group, large (3) selau teachers can come face to face with the students because they can be placed in front of the OHP class, and thus he can control his class, (4) transparency can be easily made by teachers or students, either manually or through a process of printing, copying and chemistry, (5) the equipment easy to operate and requires no special treatment, (6) have the ability to display color, (7) can be stored and used repeatedly, (8) can be used as a guide and role model for teachers in preparing lessons Matei, (9 ) konsetrasi students for the future can be achieved to realize the benefits of such variation in learning accounting is primarily on the subject of journals and ledgers gunak improve students' skills is an alternative to study accounting results can be improved at least reach the exhaustiveness learning.

A. Kosasih (2002) says that the media can generate OHP transparencies stimulation in the sense of sight. So as to create the effectiveness of communication between teachers and students. While the subject of recording transactions into the trading company specialized journals and special journals to general ledger in dire need multiple communications. That is in addition to basic communication from teachers as well as through OHP transparency so that the distribution of messages can be more motivated to stimulate the mind fully engaged in the learning process. If this happens the students exactly the skills in recording the transaction will be realized. Thus accounting study results will also increase in accordance with harapan.Oleh therefore using medai Overhead transparency projector (OHP) on the subject of recording transactions and trading companies motivation to learn accounting results can be improved.


This research is a qualitative research approach to class actions (PTK) with the aim to describe the picture of the contribution the use of overhead in learning the subject of accounting records of financial transactions into the trading company specialized journals, special journal post into the main ledger and subsidiary ledger, the students class XI IPS 1 SMA neg. Bantaeng 2. .

When the study was 3 months, starting from the month of January to March 2007. Accounting learning activities using the media to students OHP XI IPS 1. Newg high school. 2 Bnataeng. Continuously monitoring conducted by the researchers. The activities undertaken are: (1) conduct a preliminary study, (2) develop learning scenarios, (3) develop guidelines for observation, (4) develop guidelines for the interview, (5) develop LKS , (6) determine the form of questions, (7) determines how pertemun each cycle, and how many cycles to be taken, (8) manentukan schedule of activities, (9) implement the learning cycle I, observation, evaluation, and reflection, (10) implementation of the learning cycle II, observation, and reflection, (11) implementation of the learning cycle II, observation, and reflection, (12) pembuatanlaporan complete.

The variables to be investigated is the motivation to learn and learning outcomes by using OHP transparencies media with the recording phase of the subject transaction trading company into a special journal. And from the journal to the main ledger and subsidiary ledger.

Operational Definition: (1) Strategy is the ways, or attempts by certain measures are in use by teachers in learning to improve learning outcomes that have been established, (2) Motivation is the willingness from both inside and outside to learn that there suatuproses towards improving learning achievement, (3) The results of learning is the acquisition value of the learning process in each subject Datu every subject that is realized with the value of letters or numbers, (4) media as a tool to convey or express learners messages to the message can means of increasing the maximum learning, (5) Measures to increase the skills of recording transactions is a trading company servants work done by teachers with systematic steps in implementing the learning process to achieve competence for students.

Subject of this research is students IPS XI SMAN 1 second semester. 02 Bantaeng numbering 24 people. Given the limitations of time and the cost in this study did not use the entire class, but only choose (one) class, or approximately 24 students as subjects of research. Class XI IPS 1. chosen because both the level of academic ability meupun social background of students is very heterogeneous life

Sources of data in this study is comprised of personnel from students and teachers, the type of data is qualitative data about students metivasi and activities in the learning process derived from observations of teachers and researchers, while the quantitative data about students' level of understanding of the learning outcomes of the post trading company's financial transactions into the journals and large kebuku.

The student responses, and the results are qualitatively analyzed observations of the five-scale categorization techniques, to determine the level of understanding of accounting students in learning. The evaluation data is quantitatively analyzed using descriptive statistics. Namely, the test results are analyzed score gains of students who have taken the form of a score called the students' learning comprehension scores.


This research procedures performed three cycles of cycles I, II, and III. Each cycle is performed according to plan actions to achieve goals. Each end of the cycle of students is evaluated to determine students' increased understanding of the recording of financial transactions into the trading company specialized journals, posting of financial transactions into the trading company main ledger and subsidiary ledger.

Description of the initial conditions of the respondents or research subjects include: gender, and grade level of understanding IPS.1 Senior High School XI 2 Bantaeng 2006/2007 school year compiled semister genap.Data through class absences, number of respondents obtained 24 class XI students IPS .1 is used as the subject of this research. Then from 24 person 14 students (58.75 percent) sex male and 10 students (41.25 percent) female gender. The interviews of accounting subject matter was mostly still think that the lesson is very difficult, especially on the subject of recording financial transactions into the trading company specialized jurnak, then posting a special journal into the general ledger and subsidiary ledger. This is more evidenced more pre test results are still very low showed her understanding of the accounting equation. 10 number of questions that only 4 numbers can be answered correctly. Ie the number 1,2,3 and 4. While the number 5, 6,7,8,9 and 10 are still not able to answer with a clearer benar.Agar note the following table 1.

Table 1.Deskripsi preliminary results of a study learning

Interval Category F%

0 to 55 Poor 20 83.33

56 to 65 Less 4 16.67 66 to 75 Fair 0 0

76 to 85 good 0 0

86-100 Very good 0 0

Number 24 100

The picture above shows that 20 people (83.33 percent) still have a bad grade, 4 people (16.67 percent) less. Meanwhile, average 4.9 alias learning outcomes is lower than the value of the six <6.

Based on the results of a qualitative analysis of observations and descriptive analysis of students' skills to record financial transactions into the trading company specialized journals, and posting into the main ledger and helpers will be seen.

Observations on the first cycle of activity in response to student group work during exposure to OHP transparency media as follows:

Table. 2. Activity in response to student group work in cycles 1

No. Student active learning cycle 1



1. Active 13 54.17

2. Simply Active 8 33.33

3. Less active 3 12.5

Number 24 100

See the table above, 3 students (12.5 percent) less active response to the work of the group, while 8 people (33.33 percent) is quite active. Meanwhile, 13 people (54.17 percent) of the 24 students already active.

Observations, based on the record in the field during the ongoing study of some group II students who play games, looking at other groups. Meanwhile a passive student, because he was late for students attending class so that early information was not understood. Motivate teachers to actively interact with the group. In each group the most enthusiastic about completing the task on average 2-3 people. While other members of the active enough when supervised by teachers. However, most students agree with the model of learning by using the media OHP transparency in accounting education, affairs, and even some media that is used for all subjects of accounting jam.

Observations outside the study group, the teacher checked cacatan books each student after the presentation of the material. Apparently there are 3 students (12.50 percent) who did not record the reason there are no pens. While students are actively mencata of 16 people (66.67 percent), moderately active 3 people (20.83 percent).

To be more clear about the student activity records subject matter, see 3.Sebagai following table:

Table .3. Noting the active students in Cycle 1.

No. Student activity Recording Cycle 1

Learning materials


1. Active 16 66.67

2. Simply Active 5 20.83

3. Less Active 3 12.50

Number 24 100

In terms of teachers, the results of monitoring by kelaborator with teacher observation sheets (LOG) shows that the OHP transparencies presented not able to raise the motivation of students to be active and creative, and enthusiastic in participating in the KBM. This is because the OHP transparency displayed by the teacher to pour learning materials are less variable or still menoton. Teachers have not shown that the optimal guidance in an effort to enhance students' learning motivation by using OHP transparencies media. At this stage the teachers have started to help students make a summary of a subject or sub-subject. On the understanding of accounting, with PTK OHP transparency with the media in an effort to increase students' motivation to learn accounting, has led students on average score 5.4

For the acquisition value of the test results can be seen in table 4 as follows:

Tabel.4. Frequency Distribution of Acquisition Value Student Data on Cycle 1.

Group 1 Quality Cycle Interval

Value value value


1. 0 to 55 17 70.82 Bad 2. 56 to 65 7 29.18 Less

3. 66 to 75 0 0 Fair

4. 76 to 85 0 0 Good

5. 86-100 0 0 Very good

Number 24 100

From table 4 can be seen that students who received a bad grade is 17 people (70.82 percent). The value of less than 7 people (29.18 percent) of 24 siswa.Sekalipun when compared with the initial value only ata - 4.9 average. While this first cycle increased to 5.4 Reflection on the implementation and observation of failure in 1 cycle, namely: (1) In terms of activity in response to the work group during OHP exposure through transparency, the less active students ada3 people (12 , 50 per cent) of 24 students, (2) In terms of activity recorded materials provided, students are less active record 3 people (12.50 percent) of the 24 students, (3) In terms of test grades, students who received grades less (56 to 65) there are 7 people (29.18 percent), but get a bad grade (0 - 55) there are 17 students (70.82 percent) of these 24 visible siswa.Hal students kuang score category had a change of significant, although the average nlai increased from 4.9 at the beginning of the test increased to 5.4. Memperrhatikan fact the cycle I, was the second cycle is a must to be implemented.

The results reflect the action on the first cycle shows the findings of weaknesses or deficiencies, so that action on the second cycle is a must to make improvements. Thus do the following steps:

Implementation of action 29 January 2007, all planned activities can be implemented in learning. In terms of students 'learning motivation began to rise, it is proved that the students' attention focused on serving teachers through imformasi OHP transparencies. Some students began actively to respond to questions or ask pertanyaan.Sekalipun in this first cycle the volume of students to ask questions about the accounting still sedikit.Terbukti from observations of student activity in response to the work group during exposure to OHP transparency media as follows:

Table. 5. Student activity in response to the work of the group II cycles

No. Students learning activity cycle II



1. Active 16 66.67

2. Simply Active 8 33.33

3. Less active 0 0

Number 24 100

See the table above, the remaining 8 students (33.33 percent) responded active enough work group, while 16 people (66.67 percent) active.

Observations, based on the record in the field during the ongoing study, there are several students from the 3 groups of students who play games as he saw another group I, while the cycle in the second cycle is no longer a student is found playing games. Meanwhile, passive students into active enough, because the students attend class late is not there anymore, so that the initial information can be understood. Motivate teachers to more actively interact with the group again. Each group was enthusiastic about completing their tasks so that no less active. But even if not active enough supervised by teachers. Most students agree with the model of learning by using the media OHP transparency in accounting education, and even some that suggest the media should be used for all subjects of accounting jam.

The atmosphere of the class began to appear enthusiastic, growing, students at the first cycle of meetings late into the classroom quickly turned into a present, because the model of learning which had begun to be felt going through mamfaatnya. Kepakuman Neither become active and enthusiastic. It is marked by many questions, and the number of teachers willing to answer questions or respond to problems. Interactions with student teachers, and between students with students has increased. KBM students seem more active, creative, and passionate.

In terms of teachers, the observations by using teacher observation sheet (LOG) the activities of teachers in the second cycle, increasing the learning activities. OHP transparencies Impressions sehigga a wider variety of teaching activities of teachers appear eager and energetic. In this way, the performance of students in conducting saturation can be eliminated learning, become active, and daring to answer questions from teachers and from his own. Questions abounded, and expressed the opinion increasingly widespread, and Semaki rational.

Observations outside the study group, the teacher checked cacatan books each student after the presentation of the material. Apparently there are no longer students who did not record. While students are actively mencata of 16 people (66.67 percent), moderately active 6 people (25 percent). While less active 2 people (8.33 percent).

To be more clear about the student activity records subject matter, see table 6. As follows:

Table 6. Noting the active students in Cycle II.

No. Student activity Recording Cycle II

Learning materials


1. Active 16 66.67

2. Simply Active 6 25

3. Less Active 2 8.33

Number 24 100

At this stage the teacher is no longer much help students make a summary of a subject or sub-subject, but students have started to make a summary sendiri.Kedudukan teachers and researchers at this stage just as the strengthening of the results of student thinking. . Concerning the understanding of accounting, with PTK OHP transparency with the media in an effort to increase students' motivation to learn accounting, it is drawn from the results of final test cycle analysis after learning post financial transactions into the trading company specialized journals was the OHP transparency medium variations can lead students to value 6.5 average. It was an improvement menjukkan test of understanding of accounting subjects.

For the acquisition value of the test results can be seen in table 4 as follows:

Table 7. Frequency Distribution of Acquisition Value Student Data on the Cycle II.

Interval group II Quality Cycle

Value value value


1. 0 to 55 2 8.33 Bad

2. 56 to 65 14 58.33 Less

3. 66 to 75 8 33.34 Fair

4. 76 to 85 0 0 Good

5. 86-100 0 0 Very good

Number 24 100

From the table 7 can be seen that the students receiving a score less than 2 persons (8.33 percent) from 24 siswa.Sedangkan mempeoleh less value sebanyak14 people (58.33 percent), while the value is 8 people (33.34 percent) Even if compared with the first cycle the value of the average 5.4. While this second cycle has increased to 6.5.

Reflection based on the results of observations on the implementation and II found in the failure cycle, namely: (1) In terms of activity in response to the work group during OHP exposure through transparency, the less active students no longer exists, (2) In terms of activity recorded material granted, most active students, although there are active only when given a command, which is still considered less active as much as 2 people (8.33 percent) is quite active as 6 people (25 percent), and 16 people are active (66.67 percent of the 24 students (3) In terms of test grades, students who scored less (56 to 65) there are 14 people (58.33 percent), but get a bad grade (0 - 55) there are still 2 of the students (8,





Table 9.




Table 10.
















Alipandi. 1984. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.

Arikunto Suharsimi. 1992. Basic - Educational Evaluation basis. Yogyakarta: Earth script.

_______________. 2006. Class Action Research. Jakarta: PT. Earth script.

Aqib Zainal, 2006. Classroom action research for teachers. Bandung: CV.Yrama Widya.

__________, 2004. Tulisilmiah work for teacher professional development. Bandung: CV. Yrama Widya.

Arsyad, 2002. Media Learning Jakarta; PT.Raja Grafindo Persada.

A. Kosasih. 2002. Optimization of Media Pembelajaran.Jakara; PT.Grasindo.



Bandung: Alfabeta.



1988. 1983. Educational Psychology.

2007. Jakarta: PT. Earth script.

R. 1993.

King Grafindo.



Zaenuddin Kabai




Class XI IPS 1. chosen because both the level of academic ability meupun social background of students is very heterogeneous life


Table 1.Deskripsi preliminary results of a study learning

Interval Category F%





















Table 6.





Table 7.










Table 9.




Table 10.
















Alipandi. 1984. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.

Arikunto Suharsimi. 1992. Basic - Educational Evaluation basis. Yogyakarta: Earth script.

_______________. 2006. Class Action Research. Jakarta: PT. Earth script.

Aqib Zainal, 2006. Classroom action research for teachers. Bandung: CV.Yrama Widya.

__________, 2004. Tulisilmiah work for teacher professional development. Bandung: CV. Yrama Widya.

Arsyad, 2002. Media Learning Jakarta; PT.Raja Grafindo Persada.

A. Kosasih. 2002. Optimization of Media Pembelajaran.Jakara; PT.Grasindo.



Bandung: Alfabeta.



1988. 1983. Educational Psychology.

2007. Jakarta: PT. Earth script.

R. 1993.

King Grafindo.





Woouuw bagus sekali karya bapak. Sekedar perkenalan, saya muh. hamzah zaidin guru sman 2 makassar. Saya kenal bapak dari pak zainuddin bukan zaenuddin. Bapak boleh kunjungi blok saya di

zaunuddin kabai said...

makasih anda telah membaca .Bung Hamzah , coba koreksi dulu apa yang anggap lebih baik demi pengembangan masa datang .

zaunuddin kabai said...

saya kira tidak ada karya yang baik tanpa berawal dari yang paling sederhana . kemudian terbuka untuk disempurnakan .

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